How to find the right product
Thank you for visiting Choose Play which is a unique toy store, service and education hub. We have tested our toy match system on lots of different kids, and we are delighted to have a growing number of happy clients.
Here at Choose Play we do things a bit differently, in that we have a big focus on the outcomes of play. Read on to see how you can best use our unique toy match system to find the “just right” toy/activity for your kid.
Before you use our system(filters) first take a moment to think about your kid’s personality and behaviour. As well consider what your child already likes to do or play with. Don’t forget about the things you want your kid to develop. Finally, think about the challenging times and situations in your kid’s day or week.
Now that you’ve had a good think about your kid, you are ready to use the filters on our products page. You can tick as few or as many boxes as you like.
Always remember when it comes to your kid, you are the expert. We respect that every kid is different, and if you’ve tried our system but you’re still struggling to find that perfect match we’d like to know. Please contact us via our online assistant if you would like more help.
Take a moment to think about the child you are buying for. What are they like in terms of their personality and behaviour? |
Next, think about what your child already likes to do or play with. |
Then, think about what you want your child to develop. |
Think about the challenging times and situations in your child’s day, week or year. |
You can tick as few or as many boxes as you like. |